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Unity Game Academy

Lesson 1

01 - Course Intro

5 Lessons: (1) Course Overview (2) Unity Installation (macOS) (3) Unity Installation (Windows) (4) Zombie Roller - Your First Unity Game (5) Unity Pricing Plans

• Video Runtime: 1h 1m 32s

Lesson 2

02 - Learning to Code in Unity

6 Lessons: (1) Variables (2) Numbers (3) Conditionals (4) Arrays and Loops (5) Functions and Methods (6) Object Oriented Programming and Inheritance

• Video Runtime: 2h 22m 54s

Lesson 3

03 - Haunted Zombie Rush

18 Lessons: (1) Intro to Haunted Zombie Rush (2) 3d Assets for Unity Games (3) Unity Interface Overview (4) Project Creation and Importing Assets (5) Working with Lighting and Materials (6) Altering Shaders (7) Switching Build Platforms (8) Moving Objects (9) Coroutines and Wait Times (10) Inheritance and Reusability (11) Importing and Animating a Character Model (12) Rigidbody and Adding Force with Physics (13) Working with Audio (14) Detecting Collisions & Using Assertions (15) Game State and Singletons (16) Creating a Second Camera & Making a UI (17) Exercise - Extending Your Game (18) Alternative Code Editor (VSCode)

• Video Runtime: 3h 51m 39s

Lesson 4

04 - Defender

20 Lessons: (1) Intro to Defender (2) Importing Sprites & Grid Snapping I (3) Importing Sprites & Grid Snapping II (4) Animations & 2D Colliders (5) Game Manager Singleton & Spawning (6) Enemy Pathfinding (7) Generics & Singletons (8) Data Encapsulation, Spritesheets, & Buttons (9) 2D Raycasts, Tags, & Placing Towers (10) Projectiles, Colliders, & Tower Placement II (11) Registering Enemies & Distance Based Attacks (12) Shooting Projectiles at Enemies (13) Killing Enemies & Other Animations (14) More UI & Finishing Touches (15) UI Labels & Buttons for GUI (16) Game Logic I (17) Game Logic II (18) Adding Sound FX (19) Spawning Random Enemies (20) Game Export

• Video Runtime: 8h 21m 24s

Lesson 5

05 - Legend of Devslopes

20 Lessons: (1) Intro to Legend of Devslopes (2) Prepping the Unity Project and Building the Level (3) Importing Character Assets (4) Creating the Character Animation Controller (5) Animating the Player (6) Enemy Pathfinding & Navigation (7) Rigidbody and Weapons (8) Implementing the Enemy Attack System (9) Implementing Player Health (10) Enemy Health & Player Attack (11) Heads Up Display UI (12) Particle Systems (13) Spawn Points (14) Game Manager Singleton (15) Adjusting Animations (16) Ranged Arrow Attacks (17) Health Powerup (18) Speed Powerup (19) Game Menu (20) Finishing Touches

• Video Runtime: 1h 18m 10s

Lesson 6

06 - Devcraft

15 Lessons: (1) Intro to Devcraft (2) Creating Your First Plane of Cubes (3) Creating Multiple Voxels (4) Creating Multiple Chunks of Voxels (5) Adding Dimensions (6) Setting Up Textures for Mobile (7) Camera Setup for Our Character (8) Adding Character Movement (9) Building and Destroying Blocks (10) Character Spawning (11) Character Rotation (12) Bug Fixes (13) Adding Audio (14) Building for Android (15) Building for iOS

• Video Runtime: 1h 39m 4s

Lesson 7

07 - Beginner to Advanced Lighting

7 Lessons: (1) Intro to Lighting (2) Particle Effects (3) Skyboxes and Directional Lights (4) Point Lights & Lighting Mood (5) Spot Lights & Subtle Light Changes (6) Using Cookies (7) Baked Lighting & Mobile Game Support

• Video Runtime: 8h 18m 45s

Lesson 8

08 - Cinematics & Animations

4 Lessons: (1) Intro to Animation & Cinematics (2) Animation Editor (3) Cutscenes, Cameras, Animation Events (4) Animation Curves, Camera Management, Character Cinematics

• Video Runtime: 5h 18m 21s

Lesson 9

09 - Skeletons vs. Zombies MOBA Multiplayer

13 Lessons: (1) Intro to Skeletons vs. Zombies (2) Pathfinding with a Navigation Mesh (3) Camera Controls for MOBA (4) Point & Click Movement with Pathfinding (5) Animations & Fireball Particle Effect (6) Shooting Fireballs & Bullets (7) Intro to Multiplayer (8) Network Manager & Spawn Points (9) SyncVars - Health (10) Networking Projectiles (11) SyncVars - Synchronizing Game Data Across a Network (12) RPC & Calling Client Functions from the Server (13) Unity Multiplayer Service & Online Matchmaking

• Video Runtime: 1h 29m 18s