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Objective-C Crash Course

Lesson 1

Getting Started with Objective-C

7 Lessons: (1) Building iOS Apps in Objective-C (2) Anatomy of an Objective-C File (3) Objective-C Properties and Instance Variables (4) Objective-C Getters and Setters (5) Objective-C Pointers (6) Objective-C Strings (7) Objective-C Numbers

• Video Runtime: 1h 22m 37s

Lesson 2

A Deeper Look Into Objective-C

6 Lessons: (1) Conditionals & BOOL (2) Methods (3) NSArray & NSMutableArray (4) NSDictionary & NSMutableDictionary (5) Loops and Fast Enumeration (6) Object Oriented Programming

• Video Runtime: 1h 20m 38s

Lesson 3

Advanced Topics

5 Lessons: (1) Weak vs. Strong & Retain Cycles (2) Initializers (3) Nullability (4) Categories (5) Swift & Objective C Interoperability

• Video Runtime: 59m 29s

Lesson 4

Tutorials App

8 Lessons: (1) Intro to App (2) Project Creation & Singleton (3) Creating our Node Server & Designing the API (4) NSURLSession, Blocks & Talking to the Server (5) Storyboards, IBOutlets & Custom TableView Cells (6) IBOutlets & Showing Data in Cells (7) UIWebView Loading HTML, CSS, JS, Playing YouTube Videos (8) Creating a POST Request

• Video Runtime: 2h 5m 17s

Lesson 5

Javascript Primer - Preparation for Building a Server

8 Lessons: (1) Installing a Web IDE (2) Javascript Resources (3) Javascript Strings (4) Javascript Conditionals (5) Javascript Numbers (6) Javascript Loops & Arrays (7) Javascript Objects (8) Javascript Bind

• Video Runtime: 1h 10m 7s

Lesson 6

Node & Express

7 Lessons: (1) Installing Node (2) Running Node (3) Node Basics & NPM (4) Node Module Exports (5) NPM readline-sync (6) Creating an Express Server I (7) Creating an Express Server II

• Video Runtime: 1h 2m 24s