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macOS Development

Lesson 1

Intro to Course

4 Lessons: (1) Preview (2) Course Overview (3) Getting Help / Helping Yourself (4) XCode 9 Beta 4 Update

• Video Runtime: 16m 24s

Lesson 2

Weather Status App

15 Lessons: (1) Weathered XCode Updates (2) Intro to Weathered (3) Status Bar Item Setup (4) UI Setup (5) Collection View (6) Weather Service API (7) Data Models (8) SwiftJSON and Completion Handler (9) Updating the UI (10) Forecast Model (11) Forecast Collection View (12) Notifications (13) Location Services (14) App Icon and Export App (15) Recap and Challenge

• Video Runtime: 4h 14m 4s

Lesson 3

Chatter App - Part 1

22 Lessons: (1) Project Intro (2) Xcode Updates (3) Design Document (4) Storyboard Setup (5) Filling in the Storyboard (6) Hooking up UI (7) Creating Login Modal - Part 1 (8) Creating Login Modal - Part 2 (9) Creating Login Modal - Part 3 (10) Login Modal Finishing Touches (11) Create Account Modal - Part 1 (12) Create Account Modal - Part 2 (13) Hosting API (14) Local Hosting API (15) Account Creation - Part 1 (16) Account Creation - Part 2 (17) Creating an Account and Logging In (18) Fixing Duplicate Overlays (19) Getting User Info (20) Setting up Logged In UI (21) Adding Profile Log Out (22) Finishing Up Logout

• Video Runtime: 6h 30m 30s

Lesson 4

Chatter App - Part 2

16 Lessons: (1) Sending First Message (2) Add Channel Modal (3) Avatar Picker (4) Avatar Picker II (5) Color Well (6) Download Channels (7) Display Channels (8) Select Channel (9) Downloading Messages (10) ChatVC TableView (11) Channel Sockets (12) Messages and Sockets (13) Unread Channels (14) Users Typing (15) Window Sizing and Minimizing (16) Divider and Menu

• Video Runtime: 5h 7m 26s

Lesson 5


1 Lesson: (1) Schemes

• Video Runtime: 17m 57s

Lesson 6

Uploading to App Store

4 Lessons: (1) App Icon and Sandboxing (2) Uploading to App Store I (3) Uploading to App Store II (4) App is Approved!

• Video Runtime: 35m 20s