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C# Programming Primer for Unity Game Development

Lesson 1

Welcome ... What You Need

In this module we are introduced to the instructor of the course and given a course overview. We then discuss what software is required and how to use it.

• Video Runtime: 6m 53s

Lesson 2

Your First Console App

In this module we will be creating your first C# Console App Using Visual Studio.

• Video Runtime: 13m 52s

Lesson 3

Handling Input and Output Part A (Computer Storage)

In this module we will be become acquainted with the concept of computer storage, variables, data types and simple assignment statements.

• Video Runtime: 13m 32s

Lesson 4

Handling Input and Output Part B (Math Operators)

In this module we will learn to work with basic mathematical operators, the modulus operator, and casting. We will learn when and how to use the int.Parse and .ToString() commands. We will create a program which determines the average of a set of numbers Apply the concepts learnt to solve a number of practical mathematical problems

• Video Runtime: 18m 13s

Lesson 5

The Concept of Selection Part A (Conditional Statements)

In this module we will look at the basic conditional statements, if/else if, and the switch command and implement them to create several simple practical applications -- ticket sales based on age and even/odd determination.

• Video Runtime: 19m 34s

Lesson 6

The Concept of Selection Part B (Utility Application)

In this module we will look at a practical application of selective processing by creating a program to calculate a utility bill which uses tiered pricing.

• Video Runtime: 12m 33s

Lesson 7

The Concept of Repetition Part A (Counter Controlled)

In this module we introduce the concept of Counter Controlled Repetition, the While loop and For loop are demonstrated. Methods of incrementing and decrementing are also discussed.

• Video Runtime: 25m 40s

Lesson 8

The Concept of Repetition Part B (User Controlled)

In this module we learn about User Controlled Repetition. Here we illustrate how user input is used to break out of a while loop. We create a simple marks averaging program.

• Video Runtime: 14m 34s

Lesson 9


Recap Assessment for Modules 1-8

• Video Runtime: 0m 0s

Lesson 10

Using Methods Part A (Why Use ... Types)

In this module we will learn why and how to use methods. The types of methods (void and return types) are highlighted and we implement methods with parameters.

• Video Runtime: 15m 30s

Lesson 11

Using Methods Part B (Recap/Extension)

In this module we recap several simple solutions that implement methods with parameters and create a method that returns a Boolean.

• Video Runtime: 13m 12s

Lesson 12

Arrays Part A (One Dimensional Arrays Introduction)

In this module we will: Introduce the concept of one-dimensional arrays, which are multi-part variables "buckets" containing other "buckets". Discuss "Why" they should be used. Learn how to declare, store, retrieve, display and utilize the contents of an array structure. Loop through arrays with for a for loop or foreach.

• Video Runtime: 21m 09s

Lesson 13

Arrays Part B (1D Intermediate Concepts)

In this module we extend our knowledge of 1D arrays by finding the largest and smallest number in a list. We also learn how to pass arrays to methods (pass by reference). Finally we create a simple program which implements array counters.

• Video Runtime: 25m 18s

Lesson 14

Arrays Part C (Two Dimensional Arrays Intro)

In this Module we will: Introduce the concept of two dimensional arrays. Two dimensional arrays are useful for storing tables of information. They contain rows and columns of data which are the same data type. Discuss where and why they are used. Learn how to declare a two dimensional array, store values inside it, retrieve the contents, display the contents on screen and perform row and column calculations.

• Video Runtime: 12m 25s

Lesson 15

Arrays Part D (2D Intermediate Concepts)

In this module we create a 2D Arrays application which analyzes sales. We also Implement one dimensional array counters within the application to make it more efficient.

• Video Runtime: 15m 45s

Lesson 16

Using Math Functions and Random Numbers Part A (Intro)

In this module we introduce a variety of C# Built-in math functions like Math.abs(), and Trig functions. Then we introduce the concept of Random numbers. How to declare them and generate random integers between x and y. Finally we write some simple application programs to demonstrate the concept -- coin toss/dice roll guess number math game giving you the challenge of programming the "Gambler Problem"

• Video Runtime: 21m 26s

Lesson 17

Using Random Numbers Part B (Simple Game Simulations)

In this module we create several simple games. We simulate a coin toss game, and a Guess Number game.

• Video Runtime: 12m 11s

Lesson 18

Using Random Numbers Part C (Advanced Simulation)

In this module we highlight a collection of sample simulations including Plinko, Gumball Machine (Random Selection without duplication), Balls in a Bag (Building a discrete random distribution)

• Video Runtime: 27m 47s

Lesson 19


Recap and Assessment for Modules 9-17

• Video Runtime: 0m 0s

Lesson 20

Working with Strings Part A (Introductory Concepts)

In this module we introduce some of the most basic methods of the string class including .Length, .Substring . IndexOf. We discuss the concept of concatentation and using a string accumulator and then create a simple program that manipulates some inputted text and numbers.

• Video Runtime: 20m 14s

Lesson 21

Working with Strings Part B (Code Validations)

In this module we showcase a variety of string applications including code validations for products, credit cards and social insurance numbers. We also look at the famous Caesar Code and learn how to encode and decode.

• Video Runtime: 28m 40s

Lesson 22

Object Oriented Programming ... Part A (Intro Concept)

Now that you have a good sampling of basic C# syntax under your belt, it's time to tackle some more challenging topics. This module demonstrates how classes are defined and new instances are created, how to define Properties and how to both set values and get values for a given instance of the class, as well as creating methods in our classes.

• Video Runtime: 19m 56s

Lesson 23

Object Oriented Programming ... Part B (Intermediate C)

In this module we look at the concepts of Method Overloading, Inheritance, and Encapsulation.

• Video Runtime: 15m 23s

Lesson 24

Object Oriented Programming ... Part C (Interfaces)

In this module we will learn that an interface is a class with the implementation stripped out. An interface doesn’t actually do anything, it merely defines what a class that implements (inherits) it will do. It indicates what sorts of methods, properties and events are exposed by an object. All of these methods and properties have empty bodies.

• Video Runtime: 9m 51s

Lesson 25

Advanced Data Structures ... Part A (Lists)

In this module you will learn that C# has a lot of different data structures, for example one of the most common ones is an array. However C# comes with many more basic data structures. Choosing the correct data structure to use is part of writing a well structured and efficient program.

• Video Runtime: 20m 08s

Lesson 26

Advanced Data Structures ... Part B (Dictionaries and Hash Tables)

In this module we will learn how to implement two new C# data structures, one generic and strongly typed (Dictionary) and one non-generic (Hashtable). They both allow us to store key/value pairs of data.

• Video Runtime: 11m 49s

Lesson 27


Time to check how well you understood the concepts that we covered in the course.

• Video Runtime: 0m 0s