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Android Application Programming

Lesson 1

Intro to Course

6 Lessons: (1) Course Intro (2) Setting Expectations (Must Watch) (3) Installing Android (4) Installing Android Studio (Windows) (5) First App (6) Get Free Help

• Video Runtime: 1h 28m 34s

Lesson 2

Git & Android

8 Lessons: (1) Terminal Basics (2) Git Version Control (3) Git Basics (4) Setting up Github (5) Github v Bitbucket (6) Git Remote and Local (7) Github Desktop (8) Merge Conflicts

• Video Runtime: 1h 25m 29s

Lesson 3

Learn to Code in Java

9 Lessons: (1) New Module Setup (2) About Java (3) Variables - How Computers Work (4) Java Strings (5) Java Numbers (6) Java Methods (7) Java Conditional Logic (8) Java Arrays (9) Java Array Lists

• Video Runtime: 1h 59m 3s

Lesson 4

Cool Calculator

7 Lessons: (1) Project Setup & Changing App Theme (2) Adding Images & Supporting Multiple Screen Sizes (3) Understanding Widgets, Layout, Gravity, & Weights (4) Understanding DP & Managing Multiple Layouts (5) Using Android Monitor to Debug Layout Issues (6) OnClickListeners & Widget Imports (7) Implementing Calculator Logic

• Video Runtime: 2h 43m 8s

Lesson 5

Fit or Flab

8 Lessons: (1) Activity Lifecycle (2) Layout I - Custom Drawables & Rounded Corners (3) Layout II - Drawables & Tint (4) OnClickListeners Without Buttons (5) The 2nd Android Activity (6) Intents & Extras (7) Android Studio Constraints Layout I (8) Android Studio Constraints Layout II

• Video Runtime: 2h 9m 24s

Lesson 6

Fragments & Mastering Android Layouts

6 Lessons: (1) Understanding Android Fragments (2) Working with Graphics and Drawables (3) Custom Drawables & Custom Buttons (4) Fragments & Fragment Manager (5) Changing Views Programmatically (6) Adding & Replacing Fragments

• Video Runtime: 1h 56m 10s

Lesson 7

Object Oriented Programming & Fragments

4 Lessons: (1) Java Classes - Android Prerequisite (2) Java Inheritance - Android Prerequisite (3) Java Polymorphism - Android Prerequisite (4) Java Data Encapsulation - Android Prerequisite

• Video Runtime: 56m 19s

Lesson 8

Grid Lists with Recycler View

6 Lessons: (1) How to Plan Out an App (2) Project Setup & Fragments (3) Adapters, View Holders, and More Fragments (4) Managing Data, Adapters, and More Fragments (5) Designing Cards and Working with View Holders (6) Clicking Cards & Loading New Full Screen Fragments

• Video Runtime: 2h 8m 21s

Lesson 9

Maps & GPS

9 Lessons: (1) Creating Project & Architecting App (2) Adding Google Maps to a Fragment (3) Implementing a CardView Search Bar (4) Google Play Location Services (5) Showing User Location with Map Markers I (6) Showing User Location with Map Markers II (7) Converting GPS to a Zip Code (8) Converting Coordinates to a Zip Code (9) Showing Recycler View Over the Map

• Video Runtime: 2h 43m 45s

Lesson 10

Multimedia on Android

8 Lessons: (1) Project Setup & Tabbed Activity Template (2) Fragments for Tabs & Action Button (3) Android Menu Popups (4) Full Screen Activities & Percentage Layouts (5) Access Photos and Videos with Cursors (6) Adapters & View Holders in the Same File (7) Decoding Paths into Bitmaps (8) Background Threads & async Task

• Video Runtime: 2h 5m 56s

Lesson 11

Web Requests & REST

9 Lessons: (1) Understanding Web Requests & HTTP (2) All About JSON (3) Project Creation & API Setup (4) Implementing Volley for Web Requests (5) GPS for Weather Data (6) Parsing JSON (7) Designing the UI (8) Showing Server Data in the UI (9) Showing Server Data in a List

• Video Runtime: 3h 1m 27s

Lesson 12

Building a Chat App with Firebase

5 Lessons: (1) Firebase & Project Setup (2) Adding Firebase to Project (3) Firebase Auth & Registration (4) Firebase Auth & Login (5) Creating a Username

• Video Runtime: 1h 27m 19s

Lesson 13

Design & Publishing

1 Lesson: (1) Designing a Launcher Icon in Sketch

• Video Runtime: 20m 53s